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Antonie RaŠilovová

When I entered the Department of Alternative and Puppet Theater at DAMU, I was only interested in alternative and puppets seemed awkward to me and I was convinced that I wouldn't enjoy it. But from the first lessons of animation with Mr. Brukner, I was fascinated by how one can really play and be serious at the same time. I love puppets as a counterbalance to drama or author projects. Playing for children is divine because it always gives me back a lot of energy. At FRAS, I did my first puppet show outside of school, the fairy tale Za Dveřmi, which has taken on a life of its own since its premiere, and that's what I enjoy about it. The second performance with FRAS is the newly premiered Happy Birthday! and I'm really looking forward to touring festivals and finding out how kids and adults like it. My classmates and I also founded the puppet collective TMEL, and I can utopically imagine that one day FRAS will have its own building and we from TMEL will be guests there. That would be beautiful.

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