Kawloon, one big apartment building. The world's largest apartment building that no longer exists. Twisting, endless, dark alleys where anyone who doesn't belong gets lost. And Tuan is standing at the gate to this building, all alone, needing to get inside, to find his way to a new home.
Kawloon walled city was a part of Honk Kong that was not subject to any government control. Over time, the original defensive fortress grew into one large house that covered an area of 0.026 square kilometers and provided a home to over 50,000 residents. The puppet production creates a story of discovering this intricate place and exploring a new home through projection batteries, light and sound animation.
Director: Johana Bártová
Production: Alexandra Niedomanská
Cast: Matěj Šumbera and Antonín Brukner
Music and sound: Jakub Šulík, Matěj Šumbera
Graphic design: František Štípek
Duration: 50 minutes (60 minutes setup, 30 minutes teardown)
Capacity: 60 spectators with elevation, 30 without elevation
Suitable for: Ages 8 and up
Languages available: Czech
Performance conditions: Indoors, darkened room
Premiere: March 2, 2025, Studio Paměť, Prague
Digital release of performance soundtrack album:
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